Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Strategy of Fear

I am almost frightened out of my seven senses.
Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616), novelist and dramatist

Now that the curtain has been lifted off the White House and more people are starting to see for themselves just how mismanaged and corrupt the Bush gang is, it’s time to scare the crap out of everyone.

Bush is going to give a speech today about the potential pandemic the bird flu could become. Since the war has gone bad, cronyism has robbed the government of what little efficiency it did have, and the vice president puts our spies in harm’s way because they won’t buy into his lies, it’s time to dip into Turd Blossom’s bag of tricks to change the news and worry people into submission.

Presidents Bush depicted showing their compassion for storm victims

It looks to me that Bush is running the country similar to how Ken Lay ran Enron: oblivious to the real world, allowing underlings to run roughshod with a complete lack of ethics and a disregard for the rule of law.

If Katrina is any indication of how our government is prepared, we can expect hundreds of thousands to die, while the rich will have already horded their vaccines. For Bush to say anything is a joke because there are still people in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida without shelter and electricity. And, many people in those areas are losing hope.

Condemned to hope's delusive mine,
As on we toil from day to day,
By sudden blasts or slow decline
Our social comforts drop away.
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784), lexicographer and writer


Anonymous said...

...and the best (worst?) part is that Kenny Lay probably spent the day playing golf.

The Misanthrope said...

Devo, I have missed your on the target comments. I'm afraid that does seem like their thinking. My flight was filled with Tom Dooley (whom I never heard of) fans all wearing red shirts that said Holy Land Tour. I thought about changing flights because I did not have a good feeling. Thankfully we made it.

Anonymous, speed golf no doubt.

ExpatEgghead said...

That picture is a fake.