Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cory Doctorow at USC

I saw Cory Doctorow today -- he was lecturing at the Annenberg School as part of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. Fascinating guy, who is a great writer ( and a great speaker! I have a shot of him autographing my copy of "Someone Come to Town, Someone Leaves Town" -- but I'm maintaining my photographic anonymity, so you're not going to see that one. I sat next to Angel City Blues, who composed her blog entry while we sat there.

Topics included urinary tract infections, railroad companies vs. oat bag manufacturers, and the reason so many alchemists died of mercury poisoning. (Also: technology and intellectual property rights.)

1 comment:

The Misanthrope said...

What B2 is not telling you is that Cory Doctorow recognized him (B2)as a contributor to Boing Boing and I suspect Toner Mishap. Awesome!