Justice William O. Douglas (1898 – 1980), the longest serving Supreme Court Justice, thirty-six years and seven months
I just discovered the news blog Talking Points Memo. I found it while reading the Paper Cuts blog of the New York Times. Here is one of the articles from Talking Points Memo that caught my eye:

Pentagon Tries to Squelch Report Showing No Link Between Iraq-Al Qaeda
By Paul Kiel - March 12, 2008, 3:20PM
Did you think that just because taxpayers funded a study that showed conclusively there was no operational link between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Qaeda that it would be released without a fuss? Well, this is the Bush administration we're talking about here -- a group who've shown themselves over the years to be masters at disappearing inconvenient information. It looks like we've got another addition to our ever-growing catalog.
Click on the Talking Points Memo link highlighted in bold red to check out the article the Bush gang doesn’t want you to see.
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