Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Is the Rapture here yet?

Thanks to I Hate Pat Robertson for the nifty Rapture Index. Granted, my religious beliefs don't include a Rapture, but I still find it funny.


Chandira said...

That's funny.. :-)

Can't believe there are people out there who take that literally. To me, if I believed in a rapture, it is more a state of internal being, not an external thing. I think any rapture would leave us all feeling like a mass lsd trip... lol

Where in hell do they think they're all going to go, anyway? Disneyland? Walmart? McDonald's?

Anonymous said...

I believed in a rapture, because The Rapture is believed by many -- perhaps most -- born-again Protestants that they alone will engage in a mass migration in the near future. They believe that those born-again Christians who have died will have their bodies reconstituted and will ascend through the air, and meet Jesus Christ in the sky