Friday, January 05, 2007

Phones, Now Our Mail,
Loyalty Oaths are Next

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke (1729–97), philosopher

Now that the Decider has decided to read our mail, it has been discovered that the white house gang is considering a Loyalty Program similar to what President Harry S Truman signed into law on March 21, 1947 that allowed sweeping background investigation on U.S. citizens and anyone else in the country during the late 1940s’ through the mid-1950s’.

Here is your first peek at the Bush Loyalty Oath:

"I further swear (or affirm) that I do not mail, read or e-mail, and have not within the period beginning five (5) years prior to the effective date of the ordinance requiring the making of this oath or affirmation, nor have I voted Democrat, advocated freedom of speech or taught the Bill of Rights to any child or adult, attacked marriage, Christmas, parental rights, America’s religious heritage or helped a homosexual, while in the United States of America and that I am not now and have not, within said period, advised, advocated or taught equal rights or viewed pornography, I further swear (or affirm) that I will not, while George W. Bush is president, participate, talk or listen to such persons who even think about any of the above while in the United States of America."


Anonymous said...

they've got my loyalty... I just wish they'd leave my Sports Illustrated alone! :)

The Misanthrope said...

Uisce, you know if Bush were to read your mail personally, that would be the one magazine he would read.

alice, uptown said...

What part of the loyalty oath did I forget to ignore? And how exactly will the not-so-great Decider deconstruct my AmEx bill?

The Misanthrope said...

Alice, I can't answer the first part, but I suspect the second part will have you under close surveillance.