Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Early Toner Mishap Photos Gone

It is not altogether wrong to say that there is no such thing as a bad photograph—only less interesting, less relevant, less mysterious ones.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), essayist

There are going to be many disappointed Google searchers.

Here is why: many of Toner Mishap hits occur from Google sending people to look for many of B2s posts highlighting Edward Hopper, Star Wars, Waste and other great posts. Some even look for stuff from On The Mark and me, but I am sad and sorry to report that many of those photos no longer exist on this site.

You see, Time Warner has taken over many of the cable networks owned by Adelphia, Comcast and the like. B2 was posting pictures by connecting to his Comcast site that is no longer available and it was a big hassle to transfer everything, so similar to early Johnny Carson episodes our old posts only partially exist. I’d guesstimate that the first six to eight months there is text but no photos.

I will eventually change some of our best of posts that no longer have photos such as Urinal Selection, Sunday Lighter side that featured Daughter with Bill Clinton and many others. I don't think anyone will lose any sleep over this disappearance, but I alert you as a public service.


Chandira said...

If you want a bunch of hits, I suggest posting my 'sexy vampire nuns' picture.. (searchable on my blog) as that gets a zillion google hits a week still!!! mind you, I'm not sure what quality of readers I get.. ;-)

The Misanthrope said...

Chandira, I would be willing to bet that the Bjork-video-for-cat-lovers beats your sexy vampire nuns, unfortunately there is no way to tell. In any case, B2 did migrate over a number of the old stuff.