OK, I'm cleaning out the garage, and what do I find? My old 45s, including this gem from 1977:
The Rebel Forces Band, performing "Chewie the Rookie Wookie" and "May the Force Be With You." They're so bad they're classic - from the time before Lucas started getting careful about what he licensed Star Wars for.
So I'm selling it on eBay, and I imagine it will be popular with Star Wars fans... it has brought me much joy over the years. Note: the auction is now over.
Here are three mp3s from three grerat alternative bands -- all Star Wars songs, and they all rock! Download them for your pleasure, but please consider buying the albums, because they are three of my favorites.
Blink 182's A New Hope, from "Dude Ranch"
The Presidents of the United States of America's Death Star, from "Freaked Out and Small"
Just got told about, and found (for your listening pleasure), DVDA's I Am Chewbacca (thanks, map).
I've been planning to digitize my old albums. Yes, I could replace them with CDs, but that would be expensive and silly. Especially so, given that many of them I just have for sentimental reasons. (It's so High Fidelity of me to think of them in autobiographical terms, I know.)
Purchasing a truntable nowadays is very different than the old days. It seems the market has split into two completely different camps: equipment for DJs and "turntablists", and over-the-top "audiophiles". There are just some "features" audiophiles refuse to have on their over-price items, like auto-return tonearms. The stuff they sell for DJs are not really meant for good sound reproduction. They mostly want turntables that can take a good beating.
It's been an interesting consumer adventure. No suggestions, please. It's hard enough deciding already.
-- Another BoingBoing Reader
Don't forget MC Chris with his song Fett's Vette
I have fond memories of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Star Wars-themed band that I saw at Dragon*Con 1999.
ACTUALLY, it's neither Nerf Herder NOR Superdrag, it's Supernova.
And lets not forget Selby Tigers' "Droid" (http://www.hopelessrecords.com/mp3/hr649.mp3) and Slightly Stoopid's "Jedi".
I have searched everywhere for the rebel force band songs, and cannot find them anywhere, saw a single of one of their songs on ebay, found one song on a p2p...anyone know anywhere i can hear the rest of their songs???
Don't forget Weird Al's classics, "...Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoda..." and "...Bye bye Mr. Anakin guy..."
I'm not sure about the actual Titles.
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