Monday, December 20, 2004

No Compassion for the Troops

Even if everything I say is wrong, is prejudiced, spiteful, malevolent, even if I am a liar and a poisoner, it is nevertheless the truth and it will have to be swallowed.
Henry Miller (1891 - 1980), novelist

The Pentagon has acknowledged that Donald H. Rumsfeld did not personally sign condolence letters to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq. Instead he had them electronically signed, according to the Washington Post. How many more times does Rumsfeld have to demonstrate his distain for the military and how much longer will it be before President Bush no longer finds it a pleasure to have Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld serve in the administration? What has Rumsfeld done right in the four years with W? The Misanthrope honestly cannot think of anything at this particular moment. We would certainly welcome comments or even a guest commentary on the subject (contact us via e-mail).

This latest act of heartlessness from the defense secretary is the height of arrogance and should be the final straw for Bush to dismiss him. It’s not as if the soldiers are being killed hundreds at a time (thank goodness), so why won’t Rumsfeld take a few minutes to personally sign his name?

The Misanthrope believes Rumsfeld thinks that since the soldiers volunteered, they knew what they were signing-up for and therefore nothing personal is required. This man is a danger to the world.


B2 said...

You don't command the military with the defense secretary you want; you command the military with the defense secretary you have.

B2 said...

Bush on Rumsfeld at today's press conference: "I believe he's doing a really fine job."

Check it out at Yahoo.