A. A. Milne (1882 - 1956), writer
Where does all the free time go? – On my own it seems as if there is very little

Friends with money – Daughter and I saw the movie “Friends with Money” it was not bad, a bit on the depressing side, but good. Driving home we were singing to a Mick Jagger solo song “I’ve Been Lonely for so Long,” which she used to come out into the garage while I was exercising to dance to that song. I was thinking while we were singing so horribly off key (more her than me); the Stones have always supplied the soundtrack to my growing up and now growing old years, so it makes sense to have them played at my memorial. I told daughter that I wanted “Paint it Black” played. She, naturally was not thinking any such thing. Her thoughts were I wonder what song I’ll dance with my dad at my wedding someday. I suggested “Sympathy for the Devil,” just to send all the church hypocrites her mother will invite home with something to pray about.
Confession Time – I guess when I feel down I like to watch romantic comedies. The first movie I watched when I moved into my place was “Must Love Dogs,” which I liked. On the Mark thought I was nuts. So, this weekend I purchased “Harry Met Sally,” and “Annie Hall.” Since I am feeling rather blue tonight, I am thinking of going into the living room and watching Woody and Diane from 1977. When that movie came out, I really felt as thought it captured my life at that point. I also purchased John Wayne’s “Rio Lobo,” “As Good at it Gets,” “Casablanca” and “Something’s Gotta Give.” This is a person who normally does not buy DVDs because I don’t really watch them more than once, except for the Godfathers. So, this week I hope to watch my movies and read a couple of books.
iPod – I finally broke down and purchased an iPod. So far, I am not thrilled as I am going on day two of loading music. I got it because, I am going to join a new gym and I figured that I had to update from my cassette recorder. I’ll keep you posted on my iPod experience.
Theater Critic – I suppose it’s not a good thing that I am not a theater critic since the LATimes blasted Salome in yesterday’s paper. I loved it so much I went to see it twice.