Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome Fall*

To be interested in the changing seasons is, in this middling zone, a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.
George Santayana (1863–1952), philosopher, poet

Summer is the only season that starts with a holiday and ends with one, each being a three-day weekend one announcing the arrival of long warm days as well as commemorating the fallen soldiers, and the other heralding the labors of the proletariat. Neither weekend is sufficient to honor either group.

Only politicians and department stores keep the meaning of the weekends alive with public relation-type ceremonies used to lay wreaths on unmarked graves or to offer back to school sales.

Following on the heels of summer is Halloween, which signals the descent into the holiday season. Fall is a much welcomed time as it is invigorating and brings a sense of hopefulness to me as New Year’s brings for many others.

Allow me to wish you all a terrific fall season.
(*unofficially; the equinox is officially Sept. 21)


Unknown said...

I do love the fall. Back at ya :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm enjoying the cooler weather and warmer light already.