Friday, November 30, 2007

Did I, Or Didn't I?
The Perils of Co-blogging

Earlier today, the Misanthrope and I were speaking about Toner Mishap. He mentioned how much he would enjoy reading a post I had been considering, and though I didn't commit to posting it, the conversation quickly drifted to the efficacy of regular, daily posting in building and maintaining an audience. So did I promise to post for Friday, or didn't I? I honestly don't think I did, but I'm not sure our misanthropic friend would agree. And so, as I haven't prepared the post to which I earlier referred, you get this. Woo hoo!


The Misanthrope said...

B2, You didn't, but I am glad you did.

Jack Steiner said...

Whatever happened to the gorilla who used to post here?

Anonymous said...

Puny human -- mind your own business! [grunt] When the simian revolution comes, you'll know.

Anonymous said...

On the Mark says: Thanks a lot, Jack...