Friday, November 26, 2004

2000 Campaign Redux

“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection I the election processes generally presents many complexities.”
Unsigned majority opinion, United States Supreme Court, Bush v. Gore

The political action taking place in Kiev, Ukraine is following uncomfortably in the foot steps of the 2000 campaign of George W. Bush v. Albert Gore, Jr. The current President Leonid D. Kuchma completed his term. Vying to be elected are Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich and Viktor Yushchenko. Voter fraud has reared it ugly head, which is of course legendary in Florida, and in 2004 Ohio, and is now a big deal in Kiev (did Diebold supply the election machines?). Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich is assuming the role of elected leader. Russian President Vladimir Putin even called to congratulate, as yet unofficial winner Yanukovich. This is something Bush’s team did well before the winner was decided, acting as though they had won the election. Viktor Yushchenko, a pro-western candidate, has also learned from the 2000 election. He will not go quietly into the good night.

The mistake Gore’s team made, according the book "Too Close to Call" by Jeffery Toobin, was not recognizing that the election was continuing after the ballots were cast. Both Viktors are very much aware that the positioning must continue. Yushchenko is calling for a national strike. Based on what The Misanthrope has read, the election was marred by voter scandal. Yushchenko has won the majority vote according to exit polls funded in part by the U.S. Embassy and other Western diplomatic missions. The challenger was ahead by 54% to 43%. The Misanthrope is not so sure after the United States recent election that exit polls can be trusted; otherwise, John Kerry would be president.

Kiev’s election is heading to their Supreme Court regarding Yushchenko’s challenge of the results. The Misanthrope hopes their Supreme Court will be more fair than the U.S. Supreme Court was.

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